Victor Wynne

TikTok is now reporting on political influence campaigns



To provide more regular and detailed updates about the covert influence operations we disrupt, we’re introducing a new dedicated Transparency Report on covert influence operations. We’re also adding new information about operations we have previously removed and that have attempted to return to our platform with new accounts. This will replace the quarterly disclosures we currently provide in our Community Guidelines Enforcement Reports. This more frequent and granular reporting will help increase transparency about our work to aggressively counter influence attempts.

This tidbit was interesting to note:

In the first four months of 2024, we disrupted 15 influence operations and removed 3,001 associated accounts. We found that a majority of these networks were attempting to influence political discourse among their target audience, including in relation to elections. For example, we disrupted a network targeting an Indonesian audience ahead of the country’s presidential elections earlier this year, and another targeting the UK by artificially amplifying narratives about the UK’s domestic political discourse.