Victor Wynne

That time Boehner was troubled by unseemly GOP behavior


Anna Palmer and Daniel Newhauser, writing for Roll Call:

Boehner first told Roll Call of his conversations with House Republicans in late May after he asked former Rep. Mark Souder to resign after the Indiana Republican had an extramarital affair with a staff member.

Boehner said he had spoken to several Members over the past year and a half who, he believed, had done something or came close to doing something unethical.

“I’ve had Members in here where I thought they crossed the line,” Boehner said at the time, mentioning former GOP Reps. John Doolittle (Calif.) and Rick Renzi (Ariz.). “I have had others I thought were approaching the line.”

Kind of hard to imagine a time when GOP leadership tried to quash shitty behavior, prevent issues before they started, and actually hold wrongdoers accountable.